When we first opened the doors at Certified Radon, the question we heard most often was “What is radon?”
Now, nearly 10 years later, we still field that question several times daily. While awareness has raised significantly over the years, and many have heard of radon, most still do not understand what radon really is and why they should be concerned.
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is emitted from the earth’s soil. Outdoors, it is dispersed and does not pose a threat. Indoors, where it can collect in a confined space, is where it may become a health hazard. Radon gas is a Class A carcinogen and has been identified by the American Lung Association and the United States Surgeon General as the second-leading cause of lung cancer in the U.S.
Radon exists in EVERY home in the Kansas City region to some extent. The question is, how concentrated are the levels in your home? Radon gas is not detectable by sight, smell, or taste. Conducting a radon test is the ONLY way to determine if radon levels in your home fall within a range deemed safe by the EPA (below4 pCi/L). Do-it-yourself short-term testing units are available from hardware stores. For the most accurate results, testing by an industry-certified technician using professional testing equipment is recommended.
Keep in mind the age of your home is not relevant. We find dangerous levels of radon in one of every three homes across the region – new construction and older homes. The best way to protect your family and property is to be informed. You can find more radon facts at www.CertifiedRadonKC.com/radon-101.
Travis Siegffried