Seems like summer just started, yet most kids in our community will be heading back to class this month. Some look forward to seeing friends they’ve missed and getting back to a routine. For many other children and their families, it can be a stressful time. For far too many families in our community, the expense of purchasing required school supplies and new clothing for growing children is not within their budget. Many schools across the metro have 85% or more of their student population on free and reduced lunch programs. Going back to school empty handed and not prepared with the tools and supplies they need is an obstacle to learning for these children. Fortunately, there are organizations in our area, like Community Services League (CSL), who are stepping in to help fill the gap.
This year, Certified Radon is once again partnering with Community Services League to help gather donations of funds and school supplies for local children in need. With our Project Backpack promotion, we are collecting donations for CSL and customers can receive discounts on services with a minimum donation of funds or items. Certified Radon Technicians have been collecting supplies, backpacks and other donations in the field. Our customers are the best!
If you would like to help, we have CSL collection barrels located at the Certified Radon office at 5150 NW Waukomis Dr., Kansas City, MO. Feel free bring your contributions between 8am and 4pm Monday-Friday. Specific items that are needed include index cards, pencil boxes, and semi-sharp scissors, but all donations of school supplies, backpacks, and new kids clothing, shoes, and personal hygiene items will be accepted and donated to CSL. If you would like to make a monetary donation to CSL, you may do so here
Together, we can make a difference for kids in our community and help them start the school year off on the right foot. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our team at Certified Radon at 816.587.3500 or visit us online at
Travis Siegffried